Class 6 Exercise List




© 2019-2025 Laszlo I. Nemeth

Sky reach

Do this exercise first as the picture shows, on both sides. Then, do the same exercise on both sides, but tilt your head back and look up to the ceiling.

Shoulder cross reach 1 start

Shoulder cross reach 1 end

Shoulder cross reach 10 start

Shoulder Cross Reach 10 Start

Shoulder cross reach 10 end, back view

Shoulder Cross Reach 10 End

Shoulder cross reach 10 end

Shoulder Cross Reach 10 End

Vertical arm swing

Outward arm swing, in

Outward arm swing, out

Horizontal arm swing, back

Horizontal arm swing, front

Arms back flex 1

Arms back flex 2

Shoulder blade squeeze

First, rotate your arms to have your thumbs point backwards, by squeezing your shoulder blades together. On the reverse, move your shoulders forward and rotate your arms so your thumbs will again point backward, going the opposite direction from the start.

Standing backward bend

(Demonstrated by Will. His backward flexibility is much better than mine.)

…the forward part

Just bend forward and let your upper body hang down for a few second.

Ankle bend 1

Ankle bend 2

Ankle twist 1

Ankle twist 2

Ankle twirl

Head fore and back bend, in line, forward

Head fore and back bend, in line, backward

Side to side neck and body bend

Obviously, do this in both directions.

Head roll

I have no picture for this, because there is no still picture that would represent this adequately.

Sit on your knees in a comfortable position, or stand if it’s more comfortable. Roll your head in a clockwise direction and include as much of your upper body in the motion as you can, without straining yourself or falling over. After you made 4 repetitions, change direction to counterclockwise and do 4 repetitions.


Full front extension

This is an older picture, with my arms in a vertical line. Now we do it better. Please make sure that you position your hands so that your shoulders will be more forward than your hands. This way you can elongate the front, instead of crushing the lower back.

Downward facing dog

Bent knee down 45°, on front, start position

Bent Knee Down 45° Start Position

Bent knee down 45°, on front, end position

Bent Knee Down 45° End Position

Pretzel, phase 1, bent leg

Pretzel, phase 2, bent leg

Pretzel, Phase 2 (Head to Foot)

Pretzel, phase 3, bent leg

Pretzel, Phase 3 (Shoulder to Foot)

Leg and hip flex 1

Leg and hip flex 2

Leg and Hip Flex 2

Leg and hip flex 3

Leg and Hip Flex 3

External rotation

External Rotation

Head to toe

External Rotation

Straight leg forward flex

Internal Rotation

…+ leg rotation inward

Internal Rotation

…+ leg rotation outward

Internal Rotation

Internal rotation, phase 1, 2, 3

Press with your knee  on 1 forward, 2 forward and down, 3 backwards

Internal Rotation

Bent knee up 45° start position

Bent Knee Up 45° Start Position

Bent knee up 45° end position

Bent Knee Up 45° End Position