Class 18 Exercise List
© 2019-2024 Laszlo I. Nemeth
1. Sky reach
Shoulder cross reach 1 end
4. Vertical arm swing
5. Outward arm swing (a)
Outward arm swing (b)
6. Horizontal arm swing (a)
Horizontal arm swing (b)
7. One arm windmill
Make sure to start the swing backwards from arm hanging by your side!!!!
11. Ankle bend (a)
Ankle bend (b)
12. Ankle twist (a)
Ankle twist (b)
13. Ankle twirl
14. Head fore and back bend, in line (a)
Head fore and back bend, in line (b)
15. Head fore and back bend, 45 degrees (a)
Head fore and back bend, 45 degrees (b)
16. Side to side neck and body bend
17. Head turn, first position, chin on your chest, right, then left turn
21. Bent knee up 45° Start position (a)
23. Half front extension
24. Bent knee down 45° Start position (a)
25. Straight leg out, 1st rep, End position
When you rotate your hip back, let go of your foot. Then, try to reach it again as you rotate your hip and shoulder toward the mat…
26. Wring out.
The Straight leg out, 10th rep, above, is the starting position for the Wring out.
The same leg (in this case right) that you started with at the 45° down exercise, then continued with the Straight leg out, is now on the bottom, under the other (in this case the left) foot. Press down the heel of the right foot with the left one and lower both hips to the mat. Perch your upper body up and look over your right shoulder to see the heel of your right foot.
27. Straight leg hip twist, Starting position twist
Roll out of the Wring out position into a sitting one, but keep the leg straight that you worked on. Put the other leg across, just to get it out of the way. Twist your upper body back and forth, while exchanging the hand positions accordingly.
28. One sided hip hang
starting position
Roll your body back and forth between the two positions.
29. Pretzel, phase 1, with straight leg
or, Pretzel, phase 1, with bent leg
30. Leg and hip flex, phase 1
31. Leg and hip flex, Knee to side
32. External rotation
33. Internal rotation
34. Long front extension
35. Long outside extension
Turn the outside edge of your foot toward the mat. Then, slowly rotate your upper body, look back at your foot and “walk” your hands around to accommodate the turning.
36. Long inside extension
Go back to the Long front extension, with the top of your foot on the mat…
then, turn your foot so that the inside is now on the mat. Gradually move your hands toward the front so that you can turn your upper body toward being “flat,” as you see in the following pictures.
37. Long forward flex
The pictures I have for this exercise are for a more advanced version, where I sit inside the bent knee. You should be sitting on the outside of your foot. Put your butt back past your bent knee and sit on the mat so that your bent knee is in front of your body (as opposed to being behind it as you see in the pictures.) Bring your bent knee forward, about a right angle, with your foot resting against the thigh of the straight leg. Then, bend as far forward as you can comfortably go. Slowly and gradually work your way toward the knee of the straight leg, as you see in the following pictures.
38. Head to toe
After bending forward, as in the picture, bring your head up, without moving your shoulder up and try to flatten your back. This will rotate your hip forward and make your back concave. Gently move back and forth between these two positions.
39. Straight leg forward flex
40. Straight leg hip twist
Sorry, this is not the exact, correct picture, but that’s what I had. Both feet should be straight here, but the twisting motion is as it should be.
External rotation
Full front extension
Down dog
Child’s pose
There is no picture for the Child’s pose.
Sit on your heels, or as close as you can get, comfortably. Bend forward to put your upper body as flat toward the ground as you can make it, comfortably. Extend your hands forward, with palms down. Climb forward with your fingers to elongate your spine. Rest and breath deeply and slowly for a few seconds. Then, sit up.